Actor Irrfan Khan has shared in a tweet that he has contracted with a rare disease and is undergoing further tests to reach a conclusive diagnosis. The actor has been away from work for the last few days after news came that he had been diagnosed with jaundice. However, that doesn’t appear to be the case anymore.
Taking to Twitter, the Hindi Medium actor wrote, “Sometimes you wake up with a jolt with life shaking you up. The last fifteen days, my life has been a suspense story. Little had I known that my search for rare stories would make me find a rare disease. I have never given up and have always fought for my choices and always will. My family and friends are with me and we are working it out the best way possible. In trying times, please don’t speculate as I will myself share with you my story within a week – ten days, when the further investigations come with a conclusive diagnosis. Till then, wish the best for me.”
A Vishal Bhardwaj film, reportedly based on mafia kingpin Sapna Didi, was postponed after its lead actors – Deepika Padukone and Irrfan were said to be under weather. While Irrfan was said to have jaundice, Deepika had back pain. The filmmaker had said then, “In the past few weeks, I felt like I was back in the days of Maqbool while prepping with them. Deepika and Irrfan’s look tests have come out exceptionally well, nothing like you’ve seen before, and it took me a moment to recognize them when I saw the test photographs. I want both of them to be strong and fit before we start the film.”
The tweet proves that Irrfan’s condition is more serious than earlier thought. We wish the actor well.
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