Mahindra two-wheelers has just launched the Mojo UT300 in India at a price of Rs 1.49 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). The company is also offering Rs 10,000 discount on the on-road price of the motorcycle to all customers who purchase the bike till 31st March. The 'UT' in the Mahindra Mojo UT300 stands for Universal tourer. Besides, existing customers of the Mojo who refer someone to buy a Mojo will also accessories worth Rs 4,000 free of cost. The Mahindra Mojo UT300 sees some cost-cutting measures in order to be more competitive in the Indian two-wheeler market. Powering the motorcycle is the same 295cc, single cylinder engine that runs the standard Mojo XT300 model. However, the UT300 edition receives a carburetor instead of a fuel injection in order to keep the costs in check.
The Mahindra Mojo UT300 has been assisted with a 320mm petal disc brake at the front along with a 245mm disc brake at the rear. Just like the regular model, the Mahindra Mojo UT300 gets a large 21-litre fuel tank that has set a benchmark when it comes to long distance touring. The motorcycle now gets MRF rubber and hence gives away the grippier Pirelli tyres in the favour of a more affordable price tag. The Mahindra Mojo UT300 also ditches one exhaust unit and hence, gets a single unit only. The inverted forks up front have been replaced by the conventional telescopic forks and the bike also sacrifices on the LED DRL (Daytime Running Lights) strip at the front.
Speaking on the launch of Mahindra Mojo UT300, Prakash Wakankar, CEO, Mahindra Two Wheelers Business said "At Mahindra, we have always believed in innovation and providing our consumers an exciting value proposition. With the launch of the MOJO UT 300, we believe that we have an exciting product offering for the new age bike enthusiast. With the launch of this new variant, the MOJO will now be available to a wider range of consumers in more than 60 cities across India."
The launch of the new Mahindra Mojo UT300 makes the motorcycle stand more confidently in front of its closest rival Bajaj Dominar 400. Now, it will be interesting to see how many takers does the Mojo find when the manufacturer has launched a more affordable version, which is now Rs 25,000 cheaper than the regular one.
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