Xiaomi has launched another variant of Mi TV 4A in China, just one day before it launches a new series in India. Currently, this new TV is limited to China. However, the launch could mean something for Indian Mi fans as well. The company is on a launch spree when it comes to smartphones. With the introduction of Mi TV 4, it is showing the same kind of commitment for TVs.
The new TV could be one of the few products that are expected to launch on March 7 in India. The company has been promoting the launch event using various tags like #SwitchToSmart, #SwitchToStyle and more recently, #SwitchToAmazingSound.
Earlier, many predicted that the company will be launching the Mi TV 4A series in the Indian market. However, the company's official website accidentally went live with the purchase page of the Mi TV 4C. The accidental leak also revealed the price of the 43-inch version that will be available in India.
The 43-inch Mi TV 4C was priced at Rs 27,999 which is expected to feature a FullHD display panel, 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. The specifications are expected to set them apart from the current TVs placed in the same price range.
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